Sales is primarily a Mental Game which means we need to learn how to manage stress if we wish to perform at a high level in sales. One of the best investments I’ve made to help me manage stress and find balance is wearing a WHOOP band.

This post outlines how I’m using the data WHOOP provides to ensure I’m performing my best each day.

WHOOP Recovery Metrics & Sales Performance

One of the most important metrics WHOOP provides is a daily Recovery score. This number tells you how well recovered and rested your body is. It also determines how much strain/ stress your body is prepared to take on both physically and mentally that day.

WHOOP calculates your Recovery score using an algorithm that measures changes to your HRV, respiratory rate, resting heart rate and how well you’ve slept. For example, decreases in your respiratory rate and heart rate indicate your body is under lower levels of stress and is well rested.

One of the keys to managing burnout and protecting Mental Health in sales is balance. When we learn how to balance periods of stress with periods of recovery, we set ourselves up to sell our best each day.

We become a corporate athlete.

A previous post discusses the difference between how athletes and salespeople use stress differently. Most athletes use stress to strengthen their performance, while most salespeople misuse stress and burnout. For the purpose of this post however, we’re going to focus on recovery metrics and how we can start using them to optimize sales performance.

Shutdown Routines & Start-up Routines

At the end of each work day I complete a shutdown routine. This routine includes several steps that I follow to help my body easily transition out of work mode into a relaxed state. As part of my shutdown routine I make a To-Do list for what I’d like to get done the next day.

This list usually ranges from 10 – 15 tasks which is a big ask of myself unless I’m feeling well rested. I then put a star beside the Top Three/Most Important tasks on this list and say:

“If I do nothing else tomorrow, but accomplish these three tasks – I’ll be happy with my performance.”

To ensure I complete these three tasks, I block time on my calendar for the next morning when my mental clarity is at its peak. Keep in mind your peak may be at a different time so be mindful of when you normally do your best work during the day. I then complete my shutdown routine which includes various self-care strategies and then switch off for the remainder of the evening.

The next morning I wake up and complete my start-up routine. This is a routine I follow to help prepare myself for a successful work day. Sometimes it includes a cold shower and morning meditation – but it always includes reviewing my recovery score.

After reviewing my recovery score through my WHOOP app, I then revisit the To-Do list I made the day before. Based on how rested and how prepared my body is to take on physical/mental strain I then narrow down my list.

Remember I already have my Top Three tasks planned – now I’m just optimizing for performance and managing my stress levels to avoid taking on too much.

Here is an example.

Optimizing Sales Performance With WHOOP

After an extremely busy week, I woke up Thursday morning feeling extremely fatigued. Even though I slept well – data from my WHOOP confirmed that my body was not well rested.

Whoop data

The following day on Friday, I would be making a Mental Health in sales presentation to 150 salespeople which means I needed to be at my best. I still needed to complete my Top Three tasks Thursday morning, but it meant re-prioritizing my remaining To-Do list items during my start-up routine in the following ways:

  • Switched the Spin class I had planned to a longer walk which is a less strenuous activity.
  • Created space in my afternoon by moving a networking call to Friday afternoon.
  • Used this extra space to double down on a longer meditation.
  • Shutdown from work at 3pm instead of 4:30pm.
  • Prioritized healthy meals and hydration throughout the day.

The result of re-balancing my day for peak performance?

Peak Recovery.

These micro-changes worked and I woke up the next day prepared to deliver a killer presentation. This was the feedback I received from the client 6-minutes after it was finished.

You might be saying – “Wouldn’t you have made those adjustments to your day anyway?”

The answer is maybe.

Control How You Show Up Each Day

Performing consistently at a high level in sales means we need to learn to control what we can control. One of the most important metrics we can control is how we’re showing up each day.

This requires balance and strong boundaries.

Many of us know when we’re starting to burnout and feeling rundown, but most of us have a hard time switching off from work to prioritize rest. The recovery metrics WHOOP provides have played a critical role in helping me build awareness and action rest when I need it.

Seeing progress and direct feedback from my choices has also helped me build smarter habits that continue to protect my Mental Health. I’ve been able to learn what I need to do to help maximize rest and recovery in my body

If you’d like to try using a WHOOP you can access a free month and band by using my referral code here. For more Mental Health and resilience best practices that will lead to better sales performance join the newsletter below.

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About The Author

mental health advocate Jeff Riseley

Jeff Riseley is currently the Founder of the Sales Health Alliance and Mental Health Advocate. With over a decade of sales experience – Jeff understands the importance of Mental Health in achieving peak sales performance.

Jeff combines his sales (Sales Knowledge Institute) and Mental Health expertise to improve sales performance through a mix of sales mentorship and mental health best practices. His strategies have helped sales teams improve their sales process, while helping them become more motivated, resilient and better equipped to tackle stressful events within sales.



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