This E-Book includes 40 more Thoughts Tips and Ideas to help you start improving your sales mental team health. If you missed Volume 1 you can check it out here.

Missing target, micro-management, working with demotivated salespeople, rejection…

The sales environment can make it extremely difficult for salespeople to maintain a state of well-being and happiness both inside and outside the workplace.

Our recent survey confirmed this. It identified that 43% of salespeople struggle with their Mental Health.

Data from the World Health Organization shows that for every $1 invested into treatment for common Mental Health disorders (anxiety, depression, burnout, etc.) there is a $4 return on improved health and productivity.

In short – the opportunity for greater sales performance and employee well-being through improved Mental Health is massive.

This E-Book is designed to help you and your team get started on improving your Mental Health. One topic per day for the next 40 days.

Good luck out and feel free to contact me if you need my help – Jeff Riseley

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Online Course – Improve Sales Performance Through Better Mental Health


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